Asere Quartet

Das Asere Quartett. International besetzt und gegründet 2019 in Barcelona. Die erste Tour fand Ende 2019 in Katalonien statt. Jetzt ist das Quartett auf dem Weg nach Basel, Zürich, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, Duisburg, Köln, Dortmund und Düsseldorf.
Félix Rossy an der Trompete und Leandro Irraragorri am Piano vereint ein blindes Verständnis. Sie realisierten im ersten Moment des Zusammenspiels eine Seelenverwandtschaft. Mit dem Schlagzeuger Josep Cordobés und Calvin Lennig am Kontrabass, der vor zwei Jahren, wie auch Leandro Irraragorri, erstaunlich schnell in der Kölner Jazz Szene Fuß gefasst hat, finden Rossy und Irraragorri kongeniale Partner, um auf Augenhöhe ihrem Stil, filigran, extrem lebendig und mit einem natürlich atmendem Groove, den Feinschliff zu verpassen.
Das Asere Quartet auf Tour: 28.01. Damatti, Basel | 29.01. Kasheme, Zürich | 30.01. Mampf, Frankfurt | 31.01. Jazzhaus, Heidelberg | 01.02. Lokal Harmonie, Duisburg | 02.02. Real Live Jazz@ABS, Köln | 03.02. Domicil, Dortmund | 04.02. Jazzschmiede, Düsseldorf

Leandro Irarragorri studierte Jazzklavier an der Zürcher Hochschule der Künste bei Chris Wiesendanger. Abschluss: Bachelor of Arts (ZHdK)
Zur Zeit Student an der HfMT Köln bei Hubert Nuss.

Félix Rossy Foto©josé luis luna
Felix Rossy began playing the trumpet at age 7. Growing up in a musical family gave him the opportunity to play, perform and record with professional musicians right from the start; his home became his music school.
At the age of 13, this musician from Begues (Barcelona) inaugurated the "Terrassa Jazz Festival", leading a quintet and playing tunes by Miles Davis and Lee Morgan, among others. In the years since, he has played around the world - from the US to Switzerland, Italy and Germany. He has accompanied such accomplished musicians as Ben Street, Ben Solomon, Mike Kanan, Mark Turner, Peter Bernstein, Alex Hitchcock and David Kikoski, and younger talents including Nuria Graham and Melodie Gimard.

Calvin Lennig Foto©Peter Tümmers
Born 1993 in Duisburg and raised in a small village called 'Sevelen' in the lower Rhine area next to the German/Dutch border, Calvin Lennig took up his first electric bass and guitar lessons at the age of 14. During the next years he played bass in mostly Rock and Pop bands. At the age of 16 Lennig started taking lessons with Marcel Grothues who introduced him into the world of jazz music.
In the context of a preparatory course for his music studies in Cologne, Calvin Lennig started to play double bass at 18 and took lessons with Andre Nendza. The very next year of 2012 Lennig was accepted to study jazz double bass at the 'Folkwang University of the Arts' in Essen with Robert Landfermann and also took electric bass lessons with Stefan Rademacher. Growing and learning together with his peers at university, Lennig was already involved in a number of projects and had gained serious stage experience before even turning 20.. Calvin Lennig played with the 'Jugend Jazz Orchester NRW' from 2014 until 2017. In Essen and the whole Ruhr area a range of bands and connections were founded that Lennig is still part of today (Tim Riddle, Hannes Weyland Band, Jan Alexander Trio, Neptune Kings,...).
In 2017 Lennig felt that it was time to take up a new challenge and decided to move to Cologne. Being in Cologne he was surprised how quickly he got to hang out and jam with all the musicians he had loved listening to when he lived in Essen. By now Calvin Lennig is already an active part of the prestigious jazz scene in Cologne.
Within his first few years as a professional musician Calvin Lennig has already got to play on stage with a lot of his favorite musicians, including people like Seamus Blake, Adam Nussbaum, Christian Lillinger, Ben van Gelder, Paul Heller and Florian Weber. He is constantly on tour throughout Germany and has already played in Argentina, Paraguay, Iceland, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, England, Spain, Switzerland and the Netherlands. Lennig has played in prestigious concert halls and clubs all around the globe including Essen Philharmonic, Sky Garden London, Teatro Municipal Asunción, Centro Cultural Kirchner Buenos Aires, Konzerthaus Dortmund, Loft Köln, Jazzschmiede Düsseldorf, Altes Pfandhaus Köln, Domicil Dortmund.